Damn sianz...my muscles still aching. Bought yoko yoko to apply also no use...hai...god save me!!! @ml donno can swim a not...can even stretch my both hands. Pain, Pain, Pain!!! Just visited warnermusic website...damn long nv went there liao...since yanzi finish filming her mv for the jing xuan ji. Hmm... notice a new singer in warner, 18 years old girl, media say she's the next yanzi....argh i don't think so after watching her 4 MVs. She 's on the funky, hip hop, rap n RnB track.....so how to be the next yanzi??? Her 蜘蛛網 real funky... only one song so far that i can really really hear her vocal...that is 我等的人會是誰, which is not bad....talented in the sense that she can dance well, play piano n cello...amazingly musical talent but i don't like. haha!!! Her voice a bit like Rui En...catch her music online or 93.3....

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