Friday, July 29, 2005
Wats more he was from RJC retardard jc!!! no wonder!!! i reallie cnt see hw rjc produce these type of student to the working society!!!
The problem of the day.....
1.) ask student use bioreactor models to grow cells
2.) heat up the plastic models
3.) email is so like army style like he commanding us like tt
4.) took mircofilter and wire to autoclave!!!
He is wat i called an idiot!!!
No.1 make a mess in the lab.... lab is covered with E.coli and nutrient broth!!! and No2. plastic melt aft i told him tis morning those cheapo plastic container cnt restand hit esp u put on heating block!!! student also told him tt and he don care insist so 2 heating block burn and melt the plastic containers and the lab was filled with toxic gas!!! and he ask the student to continue working..... i felt sorry for the poor student..... breathing in the toxic gas so i open to fume hood to suck the air in asap...
students buay song and blame him den one of them tell him to clean the heating block but he ignore him and so no one clean so i must go and clean the bldy block. not 1 but 2!!! den the student say y i clean shld leave to him..... i just noe he wont clean lah!!! den the student angry and boycott him...dun wan speak to him and din wan sign attendance!!! aft class he went to see the section head immediately and complain...... (serve him rite!!!)
during aftnoon class he told me the student reallie complain abt him... i had nth to say but to 'orh' and laugh inside my heart. the bldy lecturer nv learn his lesson and he told one of the grp to heat the plastic container again... he say if it melt means lousy!!! wtf.... i aleady told them nt to heat at the beginning of the lesson.... he still tell them heat so even it lower the temp it still melt no matter wat.... ridiculous who the hell employed him??? vijaya??? knn
the year 3 say tt they gonna write bad evalution for him to make sure he gt sack this sem!!! good!!! end of preact still say nxt year cn grow animal cells tgt with him... go n grow ur sai lah i go army heck care u pity auntie niaz.....
his email is terrible and rude until the auntie buay song don wan read his mail.... and say he like commanding her like tt.... come'on auntie been tp so much longer than u hor...... the autoclave thing was during the term break where i told him are u sure the wire cn autoclave at 121 degree C and 1.4 Pasca for 15min he say if melt den lousy quality...alamak this is sch leh wat will sch buy of course the lowest quote right!!! and it reallie melt abit aft all with the mircofilter... ( no autoclavable mentioned on the prdt plus don autocalve hor!!!)
Kns, hope he gt sack soon..........................................................................................................................
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005

This entry is regarding the NKF thingy.... Just can't imagine a CEO of a charity organisation can earn 500-600k annually. If that's the case everyone would like to be offered that job. 500-600k can buy and do many things in life. Like what tt Durai did was he bough first class air tix, lumosines??? (what the ST has reported eralier be4 they aplogised)or rather many cars...high class luxurious interior decoration for the NKF building and so on.... wat an ass!!! Those money shld be put in buying the dialysis machine and its applications for the patient.
Like its initial, Durai must be T.T now....(found this funny blogger: minorityman) and the 500-600k was described as PEANUT from SM Goh's wife. Pls hor, not many can earn 500-600k annually the average is 20-30k niaz... and if tt was PEANUT, our 20-30k is "dirt"????? we, as the public cum the callers are actually calling the hotlines to feed that guys mouth siaz... and the rest of the sum den goes to helping the patient.
This NKF thing has duped everyone for 10 over years. It has lost its meaning of charity since it has these lucky draw stuff and u cn win condo and cars....even cash!!! Some ppl are actually using it to bet trying their luck and not full heartedly donating money for the poor patients. 10 plus years ago each call was onli 50 cents or $1 now its $5, $8++++, what i wan to say here is that the economy and the commoner's life still has not restored and prosper, the hotline are getting more expenisve. My family has stopped calling for 5 years or so due to the fact that every year they will put up this show and moreover part 1 and part 2....nit to forget each call is not CHEAP!!! My surrounding friends' family has stop calling and some din even call be4!!! Not kidding but it's true. Whenever i saw the number of calls reflected on the right hand cornor of the TV screen, i would wonder issi true??? 3M singaporeans all calling meh??? and sometime jump that fast. And everyone gt so much money??? Even at time of crisis??? Nobody has proven to us that the number on top opf the tv screen is true and hw it operated and stuff....
Most singaporeans are the 'monkey see monkey do' type, when someone starts a trend they will follow.... so does many of the charity organisation. T.T Durai was selected by the government if i was not wrong, part of this incident must be blamed on them... and they did not setup a precautions or wat regulations to check the orgianisation finacial status like many company did..... Nobody to check on them... It is too late now to send ur taxman to check on them...
Is the mordern charity approach a right way??? Or shld it be more conservative??? Its up to you to decide. More and more flag days on the street not to mention wkdays too.... to me the mordern approach has becoming more like a PEST!!! eh I still donate but onli to some organisation.
I hope aft this incident the government should shape up the orgainsation structure for charity and to prevent such a thing form happening again.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

And thanks to the reader for your support these 1 1/2 years..... Keep you all updated abt this news.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005

There has been BIG moth invasion ard Singapore Households in the past 2 months. And i bet not onli the gers, the guys will also freak out... coz i'm also 1 of them!!! seeing as many as 5 in the same area..... I also read it somewhere tt in a JC, the bois freak out and shouted and run away.
The moth belonging to the family of Uraniidae has been sighted in many places all over around Singapore and Malaysia. It is also known as Lyssa zampa or Uranid. It has white-striped variably dark-brown to brownish-grey large wings. This moth, with a wing span of up to 20 cm, is the 2nd largest moth in Singapore. (The largest being the Altals Moth - Attacus atlas ,which has a wing span of about 26 cm). This moth is usually seen in the forest and occasionally in urban areas. It is believed that this sudden population explosion is due to a combination of environmental factors such as weather and decreased in predators of caterpillars such as birds, lizards, parasitic flies and wasps.
Talking abt the atlas moth i once rmb when i was young living in pasir ris dr4 blk 482, an atlas moth flew into my 3rs storey living rm and scare me to hell coz it is damn BIG and its' body is damn THICK!!!
The Uranid is found across the Indo-Australian region and is usually enountered in forested areas and nearby urban areas, as it is attracted to the lights there. Altitudinally, they can be found as high as 2,600 metres on Gunung Kinabalu, Sabah! The food plants of the caterpillars are reportedly species of Endospermum (Family Euphorbiaceae), such as eugenia, can be found along the road site of Tampines JC, several parks. Eugenia basically is very common in singapore.
There were half a dozen of reports of the Uranid appeareances in Tuas, Great World City (image, top), Lorong Chuan, Bishan Park (five seen in one flat), Kent Ridge, Holland Village, Ghim Moh, North Buona Vista Road and Bukit Timah. I have seen them in Tampines, bedok and of course Pasir Ris.
Robin Yan adds - "I've spotted four at Raffles Place area. More precisely outside Han's restaurant along Pickering Street. There's even one outside my 23rd floor office window in Ocean Towers. Both sightings were made this afternoon (Friday, 27th Mary 2005) around 12 to 1.30pm."
During the moth of May i have seen quite a number of them and on 1 night, 1 Uranid moth was on the corridor window beside my door. Without noticing, i open the gate and "clark" the moth flew ard me!!! EEEk!!!!!!! Damn and it was even nearer to my door. When june came, i thought that the moth season is gone but i was wrong when recently i saw so many in my area. Everynight there will be at least 1 moth at my 10 storey high corridor. And i in the morning i saw 5 in the nxt block void deck!!! 2 days ago when i walk pass the child care centre at my void deck the Uranid moth suddenly flew towards me!!!
My auntie in bedok also living on the 10th floor told us tt 1 night 11 plus she walk out of the lift and saw 3 Uranid moth tgt!!! in fornt of her door steps!!! and she dare not go home... so call up my grandma..... and started calling my uncle but his fine was off and so she call us but we had 2 outside the corridor!!! OMG..................
And 2dae afgt my lunch 1 of it was resting on the floor in fornt of the lift.... and the idiot cleaner supervisor like nv see it (thought 3 ppl were ard staring at it liao) step on it luckily the moth flew away in time.
Though the Uranid moth is harmless so much so diff from most of the moths tt can cause rashes, the look and the size of it reallie freak ppl out!!!
There are ways to prevent their invasion to ur hse however these are onli measures.....
PS: Some of the sources are cited from
Sunday, July 03, 2005

Dinner dar treat me to jack's place... so i order my fav jack special!!! but the hot plate change... lousy one they onli use the gd ones for fire steak wth!!! service drop food drop...lousy!!! the 2 guys sitting nxt to us keep grumbling throut the dinner annoying.... spent 71 bucks there!!!

And 2dae the bldy mee soto nv open!!! fine.... and worst my uob atm card gt stuck in the toopid cash deposit machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is tt a joke of my life? call up the hotline and they deactivate my card and they ask me wan collect in fr the branch or mail to me... of course i choose mail but they cn onli send it to me in 5-7 working days.... and i still nd go to the bank personally to activate the card again!!! wth!!!Don't go bedok interchange (upper changi rd) tt cash deposit machine.....
Dinner for 2nite was BK swiss mushroom whopper!!! but original whopper is nicer and original swiss mushroom is better.... nvm still juicy and good!!! Monday blue is coming...